First Signs of Spring

>> Saturday, March 12, 2011

Spring has arrived! Of course, I say that with a great deal of caution because in March and the early days of April, winter can always rear its ugly head and dump a ton of snow on the city. But for right now, the skies are heavenly blue, the temperatures are warm, and the city is pulsing with life. Everyone is itching to get outside and enjoy the nice weather with walking, running, cycling, or just sitting outside having a coffee or a beer.

We took our bikes out and headed down the cycle paths next to the Isar river. During our ride, I spotting Mother Nature's first clue that spring is definitely on its way.

Amongst the mostly brown soil that has yet to grow any form of life, there was a small patch of the most beautiful, delicate purple wild flowers.

They were so pretty and sweet. I'm always so happy to see things such as this. It reminds me of new life and renewal. That things are cyclical and appreciating small things like this is important.

We continued our journey by heading towards a beer garden and having our first Maß of the season. A Maß is a measurement in German. This measurement is one liter. Yes, that's a lot of beer; however, this is the sort of thing you spend hours drinking while soaking in a much sun as possible and having wonderful conversation.

As the shadows became longer and the temperature started dropping again we headed back home.

This was a day that was perfect for sitting and talking about life, loss, and dealing with hardship. I know everyone has heard and seen the devastation and loss Japan is experiencing right now. I'm hoping that the country can heal and for those that have been impacted by this in any way are in my thoughts.

More personally, we lost a dear family member a couple of days ago. He was a loved man and he will be missed tremendously. After a long struggle with illness, I know that he is in a better place. Now, it is our turn to come to terms with the loss and try to heal. There will always be a part of me that misses him and I will always think fondly of him with happy memories. Rest in peace, Uncle Bob. We all miss you.

Support and love one another.


arbdesigner247 March 12, 2011 at 11:08 AM  

Beautifully written. RIP Uncle Bob.

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